Tuesday, March 30, 2010

..inherit goodness..

Spring is finally making its way and everywhere there is an emergence of color.  This is also happening in my wardrobe.  Not that I was evading color, but I do feel like being way brighter than my usual.  I have been wanting to wear this dress which is one of the ones my Granny made and wore. So, after several months of letting it hibernate in my closet, I was finally ready for a major dose of color.  I freaking love this one!  It is so pretty and comfy. 
If you haven't noticed, I am slowly building up my etsy shop!  I am trying to add new things every day so keep checking back, and if you have never explored the whole of Etsy  you really should.  It is full of tons of amazing things.  I actually got the earrings in this post from an etsy seller, SimplyDifferent.

*earrings- SimplyDifferent
*scarf & belt- handmade by me
*cardigan- old navy
*dress- vintage heirloom
* tights- walmart
*shoes- target

Friday, March 26, 2010

..weather or not I like it..

The weather here is classically very, very unpredictable.  But, come on! This stuff is really over the top.  Here is last Thursday..
 I got to wear my new shoes!  I love these puppies, they are surprisingly comfortable.  They were more than I usually spend on shoes, but (yay!) I had a Dillards gift card so they only cost me $20! 
Shaping up to be a lovely spring, right?
Ummm,  think not. Winter was not quite finished with us yet.  It started snowing Saturday night which we all figured would soon melt away.
  I mean it was in the 70s two days ago.  The ground was totally warm.  However, that did not deter our little blizzard.  It kept on snowing all night and all day and it was really sticky, wet snow.  Perfect for building snowmen, and also perfect for breaking tree limbs and apparently chicken runs.  Our electric went out several times through the night and then stayed out early Sunday.  We have well water at our house which has an electric pump, so when we woke to a cold house and no water we were not very happy.  We went to the gym to shower then went to Cracker Barrel for some much needed comfort food. 
When we got back home we had to deal with the caved chicken run.
I was not thrilled to spend my day off shoveling poopy snow.
This picture really sums up my feelings for the day.  My back still hurts!
That was more snow than we have gotten here in years, too bad it was such bad timing.
Spring outfit
*head scarf & necklace- gifts
*shirt- kohl's
*skirt- handmade by me!
*shoes- antonio melani

Winter outfit
*hat- thrifted
*navy coat & jeans- old navy
*snow shoes- sketchers

Friday, March 19, 2010

..wagons ho!.

I am rolling out into new territory. 
Wow, took me long enough, but I finally got some stuff listed in my etsy shop.  So far only a few items, but I am starting to get the feel for it.  I will try to get it filled out more this weekend, cus I really need the closet space :)  I am still a little daunted by the shipping, it scares me a bit.  I have never shipped anything, so I was compulsively checking shipping prices and comparing, and checking and comparing.  As you can tell this went on for a while since I was planning to set up shop at the beginning of the year.  Hopefully, things will go smoothly and I can drum up some business.
So, check it out, and if anyone has any suggestion, I would love to hear from you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

..une petite fille..

Ahh, how I once dreamed of traveling to the French countryside.  It is such a beautiful place, one that really feels old.  Of late, I would love to go practically anywhere in Europe, with a few exceptions.  I actually took some French in high school, though there is really little use for it in my region.  Not very practical but I like the language, even if I am not very good at it, or any other foriegn language for that matter.
It wasn't intentional, but after I took these photos I was getting a French vibe looking at them.  I made this skirt last summer.  It is a circle skirt, so it is really fun to spin in circles and not so good on a windy day, I had a few Marilyn moments :)
 From the top..
*earrings- local $jewelry shop
*crochet choker- gadzooks circa '97
*jade/aventurine necklace- ERMoriginals etsy shop
*rosary- gift
*cardigan & shirt- old navy
*belt- thrifted
*skirt- handmade by me!
*shoes & purse- target

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

..no technicolor here..

Lately, I have been really tired and run down. I actually get worn out doing posts, though that is probably because I tend to do so right before bed.  I probably just need some exercise and iron supplements, and a dose of bright colors can't hurt either.
*sweater- reconstructed old navy 
*secretary blouse- vintage thrifted
*jeans- thrifted
*shoes- soda
*coat- tjmaxx
*Buddy- the pound :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

..finding florals for spring..

I really love the embracing of floral, pretty girly things, and nautical for spring.  I have found some really great pieces in my scouring of the thrift stores lately.  I found a calico tie at the bottom of a bin in the men's section of our disabled veteran thrift town a while back, and I finally decided to wear it now that spring is drawing closer.
I also got ambitious this weekend and started a sewing project!  Prompted by the warm weather, I got out a pair of amazing shorts that I got on the same thrifting run.  They have a great fit, but I want to shorten them for a 50's tap short feel.  So far so good, I got most of the way done before I ran out of light.  All I need to do is to pleat in the hem and add the cuff back on.  I probably don't do things the technically correct way when sewing, but it works.  I am always learning. 

*earrings & tie- vintage thrifted
*vest- vintage hand-me-down
*shirt- gift
*pants- old navy
*shoes- vintage liz clairborne

Saturday, March 6, 2010

..nicely, nicely..

So, I am playing catch-up this weekend.  I have been a bit inexcusably uninspired lately.  I haven't felt up to being creative enough to write anything remotely interesting.  I think I just need some time off occasionally.  I have a lot of unfinished projects, and crafty intentions.
Anyhow, I wore this last Tuesday on my day off. I was feeling a little bit punk rock.  I got some jewellery from Mike's stepmom, Mary, which is cool, because it is stuff would probably not normally buy, but it is fun to try new stuff and step out of my box.  I really like the girly toughness of this necklace. Yay, I love days off.  Mike and I went to a local antique store and found some really cool stuff, pictured below.
The roundup; awesome hat, 2 pretty scarves, a lovely hankerchief, alligator/crocodile glasses case, coin purse, and the reason for the expedition a vintage juicer.  I actually got some cute vintage buttons too, but forgot to put them in the picture, oops.   We got a gym membership a few weeks ago too, so we went to the gym afterwards.  Mike has been doing awesome and going everyday, I'm so proud of him, that takes willpower.

*coat- old navy
*necklace- gift
*scarf- handmade
*sweater & purse- thrifted vintage
*jeans- rue 21
*shoes- target

..pleated and tapered and green, oh my..

Well, I really never thought I would like pants that tapered in at the bottom, but I gave these a chance and amazingly, they are really cool and comfortable.  I feel a European inspiration when I am figuring out how to wear them.  I am really looking forward to spring weather. They look really cute rolled up a bit with strappy sandals.  Last weekend, I put together this outfit and it works so nice that I wore it twice! 
A couple of these are taken at Mom's when I went to visit and others are at the house. We are finally starting to have a semblance of a kitchen!!  We are functional again, just a handful of finishing touches and decorating to get back to normal.

*scarf- gift 
*shirt- george
*belt- banana republic (thanks Dad:)
*pants & purse- thrifted vintage
*shoes- naturalizer

Wait! Not quite done yet.  I wanted to brag on my latest purchase from Etsy.  I have been loving the style of a fellow blogger kelly shoestrings who also has a vintage shop on Etsy.  Here is what I bought.  I can't wait till it gets here!

Monday, March 1, 2010


It has been quite some time since I have been downtown.  I can't even remember the last time.  At least several months, crazy.  I had not realized that much time had passed.  Friday Mike was doing backup for Timm Tayshun at Hero's Bar, so downtown is where headed.  I was hoping that the weather would be nice, but alas it was oh so cold again.  The show went well.  Short but sweet, so to speak.  We are such old homebodies lately that we were glad to be heading home before 1.  
I love the old buildings in the area.  So we took advantage of some of them.

*blouse & purse- goodwill
*coat- tjmaxx
*cardigan and jeans- old navy
*scarf- vintage thrifted
*shoes- converse
*earrings & necklace- vintage gifts